About the Book
Paul Weinberg has over the past 30 years sought to work against an essential, mythologised view of the San. For those who have grappled with the story of the modern San, it is neither monolythic nor one dimensional. His extensive and in-depth journey has brought him into contact with a range of exceptional San activists throughout the region who continue to fight for their land rights. He has encountered a broad family of NGO activists, development workers, journalists, filmmakers and academics who work with the San. Like him they have grappled to answer questions about their culture.
About the Author
Paul Weinberg is a photographer, filmmaker, writer, curator, educationalist and archivist. He began his career in the early 1980s by working for South African NGOs, and photographing current events for news agencies and foreign newspapers. He was a founder member of Afrapix and South, the collective that gained local and international recognition for their uncompromising role in documenting apartheid and the popular resistance to it.
From 1990 onwards he increasingly concentrated on feature photography and storytelling. Weinberg has built up a large body of work, which portrays diverse peoples, cultures and human environments �beyond the headlines�. Much of his photography has focused on indigenous people throughout Southern Africa. His images have been widely exhibited and published, both locally and abroad. He is currently senior curator at the Centre for African Studies Gallery at the University of Cape Town, and lectures in documentary arts at the same university.